
RenLite® Mouse: Empower Bispecific or Multispecific Antibody Development

Key Features

1. Complete human heavy chain variable domain combined with a common light chain substitution in situ




2. Fully human heavy chain antibody repertoire diversity

Heavy chain IGHV germline usage of naive RenLite™ mice

Heavy chain IGHV germline usage of naive RenLite™ mice

Heavy chain IGHD germline usage of naive RenLite™ mice

Heavy chain IGHJ germline usage of naive RenLite™ mice

3. Human-like CDR3 features

The median length of heavy chain CDR3 (14aa) from naive Renite™ mice is comparable to the average length of human CDR3.

Human-like CDR3 features, such as increasing frequency of tyrosine usage, are observed in RenLite™ mouse heavy chain CDR3.


4. Robust immune response comparable to wild type mouse

Validation Data

1. RenLite® mice show similar immune cell profiles to wild type mice

2. RenLite™ mice show overall normal B cell development with slight delay compared to wild type mice.

3. Serum immunoglobulin Isotype & IgG Subtype Analysis

Serum concentrations of IgA, IgM and IgG subtypes of RenLite™ and wild type mice were measured by ELISA. Sera were equally diluted between two groups of mice.

Learn more: RenMab™/RenLite® Technical Data Sheet

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